Tempeh and Asparagus with Rice Noodles, Avocado Salad, Peanut Butter (w flax) on WhWt Pecan-Raisin Toast
I had looked forward to making a nice dinner Sunday night, but my parents wanted to take my wife and I out to eat. We went to Sitar India Palace. I do like Indian food, but don't generally eat it with the regularity that I have been since Thursday's cooking class meal. Also, I knew I'd be eating at Tower South Indian Restaurant (eating out again! Indian again! but I never seem to tire of Tower or Udupi) today for lunch, as I taught in the morning then had an afternoon tutoring session to present, and Tower is just down the road from where I teach. Anyway, we had some appetizers, including a potato tikki, salad, and idli; I had a chickpea dish (a bit spicy!) and shared some of my wife's tasty rice.
Tonight, I was happy to be back in my kitchen. I had an avocado which had to be used, so made a simple salad - I just cubed it as well as part of a tomato, and mixed in a little lime juice, salt, black pepper, a little red onion (cubed), and fresh rosemary. I made a simple asparagus and tempeh saute, adding rice noodles (that I had first soaked in hot tap water then drained) for the last two or so minutes.
Earth Balance has a new peanut butter line, which has flaxseed oil in it. The peanut butter doesn't have to be stirred or refrigerated. And it tastes good! It's sweetened with a little bit of agave. I lightly toasted some whole wheat sour dough walnut-raisin bread, and served it with some crunchy Earth Balance peanut butter - yum! My wife and I thought that The whole dinner was quite good.
By the way, our talented webmaster now has a page up to our podcasts - trianglevegsociety.org/podcast/. A recent talk that I gave, Why Vegetarian, now appears there.
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