Caponata-Broccoli-Vegan Sausage Pizza, Waffle Fries with Chipotle Hot Sauce

Tonight, I used up the leftover pizza from Friday. I sauteed a vegan Field Roast Grain Meat Company apple-sage artisanal sausage; I started with a clove of garlic, finely diced, in olive oil over medium heat, and about 30 seconds later added about 1/5 of a medium yellow onion, diced maybe to 1/4". About a minute later, I added the finely chopped sausage link. After about five minutes when the sausage was gently browning, I added some broccoli, cut into small pieces, as well as a tablespoonful or so of pine nuts. I was careful to cook for just a half minute or minute, just so the nuts barely started browning and the broccoli turned bright green.
I put some fresh caponata sauce atop the pizza then spread the sausage mixture. I also popped some waffle fries into the oven, and served them with Frontera brand chipotle hot sauce. It was a good recreation of this earlier meal!
I put some fresh caponata sauce atop the pizza then spread the sausage mixture. I also popped some waffle fries into the oven, and served them with Frontera brand chipotle hot sauce. It was a good recreation of this earlier meal!
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