Summer Strozzapreti Pasta with Vegan Tangerine Sausage Hash and Roasted Artichoke, Corn-off-the-Cob

He had requested corn, so I easily obliged with my standard corn-off-the-cob with 3 ears of corn, Earth Balance margarine, salt, and lime juice. I prepared some strozzapreti pasta (see my recent blog entry for details on the name) and prepared a hash to top it with. That hash (traditionally, chopped meat, vegetables, and seasonings lightly browned by sauteeing) was just apple-sage vegan sausage cut into small cubes, as well as chopped scallion (one or two), shallot (one), half of a yellow onion, and two small bell peppers that my wife purchased today from a farmer's market, sauteed for perhaps 8-10 minutes in a tangerine olive oil, with rosemary (maybe 2 teaspoons of needles) and oregano (1 teaspoon or so) added in the last few minutes. I also mixed in some salt and ground black pepper. It was a good meal, and we enjoyed our friend's kind company!
Tomorrow I'm not going to be making dinner. A friend is having about twenty of his friends, including my wife and me, join us at his favorite restaurant, Oriental Garden. My wife and I, unfortunately (but fortunately we both share the same dislike), don't like Chinese food, but do like Thai - hopefully there will be a good variety of Thai selections for us.
Looks amazing, as usual!
Thanks, Anardana. I have probably mentioned this before, but I love your screen name. Anardana means the kernels of pomegranate in Hindi (anar is a lot easier to say than pomegranate!). Thanks for your kind comment. I may try breading seitan like you did on your blog - and your homemade vegan ice cream looks good! Keep up your good work! --Dilip
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