Red Russian Kale Pizza
I ended up with so many items that it was difficult to fit it all in my refrigerator! I had purchased some Red Russian Kale at the farmer's market and decided that it just wouldn't fit in the refrigerator, so it would be cooked! I also had brought home a twin pack of Vicolo Pizza organic cornmeal crust pizza shells, and came up with the idea of making a kind of pizza!
I stripped the kale leaves off the stems, composting the stems and roughly hand shredding the leaves into one-inch or so pieces. Instead of blanching the kale leaves as I've done in the past, I simply sauteed half of a red onion cut into medium (maybe 1/4" or slightly larger) half moons, then added a Field Roast Grain Meat Company apple-sage artisanal sausage that I had cut into eighths. A few minutes later, I added the kale leaves; within a minute or two the leaves turned a
I put the kale-onion mixture into two pizza pie shells, then added the sausage, as well as red bell pepper slices and some marinated artichoke hearts. I baked the pizza and served it with (prepared from frozen) sweet potato fries.
It was a good dinner in front of a very nice evening. My wife and I enjoyed the Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company (especially their opening and closing very contemporary pieces, Crucible and Tensile Involvement) and Trisha Brown Dance Company at ADF, then enjoyed some live music at the smoke-free Broad Street Cafe. There, we saw The McCauliffe Brothers Band, two brothers with a drummer performing reasonably good lyrical rock; and Oscar Begat, an interesting family band with a father, his two sons and a daughter, and two other band members playing folks rock.
Yesterday, I had hoped to catch some live music downtown, and we rushed to pick up some picnic food at Whole Foods Market; we ended up just eating at the store and not getting to the music - the hot bar was unremarkable (I had two tacos and a variety of sides). I went on to see (for the second time - great film!) Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others) outdoors at the NC Museum of Art - I so love these art museum outdoor films around each summer.
On Thursday, it was my wife's birthday! After my photography class, I met my parents and her, and treated all to some very good food at Sitar India Palace. In fact, I had the best uttapam that I can recall ever having (including a few times I made my own)!
I'm confused with the red russian kale... it's not red! is it? But I would love to try it...
Hi, Alice - thanks for your comment. How have you been?
Red Russian kale is sometimes called Ragged Jack. Though it's not red (blue-green with purple veins, turning darker green on cooking), its leaves look a little different from other kales. It's an heirloom variety from Russia - perhaps the name comes from Red Russia?!
ooooh, thanks! I'll have to ask my boyfriend...(who's Russian as the red kale, hehe)
I'll send you an email to the address of your blogger user profile so you can ask me whatever you want, ok?
Thanks! You can also find me at
Yum, sounds like an interesting pizza.
Thanks. I ended up serving the leftover pizza to some hungry friends who flew in around midnight last night (I'll write about this in the blog probably in today's entry), and they also really liked it! I thought it was healthy and pretty good, though somewhat unusual as "pizza", but now that my wife and two (non-vegetarian) friends all said they really liked it, I guess it has some merit! Thanks for the comment, erin. --Dilip
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