Curried Brussels Sprouts and Potatoes, Lentils over Brown Rice

I didn't betray that too-generous trust, and was delighted that he enjoyed the meal that I created. I cut some Russian fingerling potatoes into approximately 3/4" chunks and started sauteeing them. A few minutes later, as the potatoes were getting cooked, I added about a third of a medium red onion, cut into thin half-moons, as well as a medium jalapeno pepper, sliced into 1/4" thicknesses. A minute later, I added about a half dozen Brussels sprouts, cut into halves or, for bigger ones, thirds.
I let this assemblage cook for about five more minutes till the potatoes started browning. I added a little salt, a pinch or two of turmeric, about as much cumin seeds, and a pinch of red chili powder. I continued the saute for a half minute or so to let the cumin toast a bit, then added about an eighth of a cup of water to soften the potatoes and let the turmeric set into the vegetables.
For Saturday's potluck, my wife had made some lentils, and we had a lot leftover. I heated the lentils and served them over some brown rice that I had cooked with a vegan bouillon cube. Heirloom tomato completed the meal, which turned out well.
Tomorrow we won't be eating at home; I have a new set of six photography classes starting. This class is normally on Thursdays, but I am trying Wednesdays to catch folks who perhaps want to take the class but can't make Thursday evening.
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