Saturday, July 29, 2006

Kale Rollups

I came up with an interesting idea that I tried out tonight. We had two friends over for dinner and the verdict was that the idea was a resounding success! I removed the thicker portions of the stem of kale leaves after steaming them just long enough (about 3 minutes?) to soften the leaves. I rolled the leaves and stuffed them with polenta and seitan, put them all in a casserole dish, added olive-artichoke heart salsa, and baked for about 15 minutes in a 350 degF or so oven. It came out tasting well and not as messy as I had thought! I hope to try this again sometime with larger kale leaves and maybe some sort of mechanism to keep the rollups together.

I also made mashed potatoes with a variety of ingredients, including shallots, water left from steaming the kale, dill weed, fresh rosemary, and various seasonings - then I mixed in the potato wedges I had leftover from day before yesterday, chopping them a bit as I mixed. (I also served leftover corn from that meal.) Some organic 'Taboo' rose petals from my garden and salad ingredients rounded out the filling meal.


At Sun Jul 30, 08:24:00 PM EDT, Blogger Eleni Binge said...

I love the Kale idea, that looks great. Mr. Beloved over-planted Kale so we need plenty of uses for it.
It looks like there is some sort of creature on the celery there.
By the way, I referenced you in a recipe I posted today.

At Mon Jul 31, 12:51:00 AM EDT, Blogger Dilip said...

Thanks! I came up with the idea either as I was waking up or in the shower. I am going to try rolling other items up, ala stuffed grape leaves, such as grains. What recipe did you come up with that referenced me? I'm glad I could be of some at least small inspiration to your (seemingly-always-tasty) creation!


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