Anita's Traditional North Indian Dinner

Today, friends of ours stopped by to meet the baby and brought some homemade treats, including a dhal lentil soup, a particularly good cauliflower dish, and flat bread rotis. I simply heated, added some pickles to the breads, and sliced some heirloom tomatoes.
Their kind and tasty gesture was particularly helpful today as, unfortunately, I hurt my lower back earlier in the day! Since the baby was born, I haven't made it to exercise, something that keeps my back strong. Until a few days ago, we didn't have a changing table, so all those diaper and clothes changes required bending way over onto our bed. This afternoon when I went to put the baby down, my back complained, and I had to yell out for my wife to take the baby and then help me get straightened up. Unfortunately, my chiropractor is out of town, but I did talk with him and he is having me frequently ice my back and take, on an empty stomach 3 or 4 times a day, 1000 mg or so of bromelain, derived from the pineapple, as an anti-inflammatory.
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