Butternut Squash with Seitan and Rice Noodles

One item they had, which they often don't, is cut up squash. I purchased some of the chopped butternut squash and used about half of it in today's meal. I started sauteeing half of a red salad onion, chopped to approximately 1/4" or slightly larger cubes. Two minutes or so later, as the onion started getting a bit clear, I added a box of seitan, chopped into medium chunks, as well as the large chunks of squash.
I continued cooking for another 12-15 minutes or so over medium heat, stirring occasionally and watching the squash cook and become deeper in color. Once the squash was cooked, I added maybe a tablespoonful of fresh rosemary needles, a little salt, maybe a teaspoon of jerk seasoning, and about a half teaspoonful of fenugreek, useful for a mother's lactation (I added it for that reason; it didn't add much to the flavor of the dish), and some rice noodles that I had soaked for about 5 minutes in hot tap water. I stirred everything together, then added a few tablespoonfuls of Baja lime marinade. After a final stir, I served the dish a minute later - it was tasty!!
On Friday, some friends brought over a nice meal for us of stuffed Indian parathas, tabouleh, and excellent fresh fruit. That same day, another friend also dropped a meal off, which we heated up yesterday. That friend is from the Gujarat region of India and is an excellent cook - we think she should open a catering business or restaurant. She had an amazing curried potato dish, as well as khamman dhokla.
You sure have great friends if they come to drop off food at your place! It must be very useful when you're busy taking care of a baby!
Looks great! Excellent to find your blog - I am a vegan expecting mom! Really helpful info about the fenugreek! Your squash looks uber yummy!
Thanks for your comment, Alice - good to see you here. Yes, we're lucky to have such good friends! Best wishes! --Dilip
Hi VeganCowGirl - I'm so glad that you found my blog. Congratulations on your pregnancy!! Let me know if I can help with any thing, and do keep in touch about the course of your pregnancy! --Dilip
I just googled "butternut squash seitan" and i found your blog. i'm going to cook that right now for my girlfriend!! what a coincidence you posting this and me needing to cook this. i don't have rice noodles, but might just make rice. thanks awesome lady!!!
Woops, I meant to say "Thanks awesome guy!"
Lazer, what a coincidence! I'm glad that you found my blog. How did your dish come out?
Oh man, dish turned out great! I didn't have any rosemary so I decided to melt about 3 tblspoons of butter, about a 1/4 cup of brown sugar and 2 dashes of soy sauce. I threw that concoction in along with cooked rice and cooked everything together for another 2 minutes or so. Turned out deeelish, and now I have a great lunch for today!
That's great to hear! Thanks for posting your results, Lazer!
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