Cooked Mung Bean Sprouts, Homemade Bread, Creamy Tomato Soup

My wife enjoys sprouting, but found that raw bean sprouts was bothering her stomach as a nursing Mom. She suggested cooking sprouts that she had made, and I did that today.
We were lucky because a friend and his (understandly decidedly uninterested in our baby :-) !) cute 2-year-old son came to meet our new baby and bring some soup and bread by. They were both very good - tasty bread and very good chunky, creamy tomato soup. Wow! Unfortunately, my wife doesn't tolerate unfermented soy very well (it sometimes bothers me, too), and soy milk was the base of the soup. I couldn't resist, so had a serving of the soup - I'm so glad I did because it didn't seem to bother me and it was excellent!
I also made a simple saute with finely cubed zucchini and the sprouts. I mixed in a variety of Indian herbs, like turmeric and mustard seeds. I thickly sliced and toasted our friend's bread, served some prepared mushroom salad from Whole Foods Market, and took advantage of a great sale of avocadoes for $1 each to enjoy more avocado tonight. I gave my wife a larger serving of everything else to compensate for her missing out on the soup.
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