Medallion Ligurian Croxetti Pasta with Pesto-Zucchini Sauce

I made a simple saute over medium heat of one medium zucchini, finely chopped (1/4"), and a medium shallot, similarly chopped. When the zucchini was soft, in maybe 10 minutes, I took it off the heat and mixed in some pesto sauce, and served over the pasta, which takes 15-16 minutes to cook in boiling water till al dente (just as the package directions had suggested; the pasta is fairly thin, so I was surprised that it took that long).
I also served a salad including Cincinnati radish (a first for me; rather strong in flavor) and lemon rosemary toast with Isle of Bute Foods' Scottish vegan "cream cheese" with chives. We enjoyed dinner!
Unexpectedly, I didn't do any cooking over the weekend. We had a great time canoeing with a friend yesterday and went out to eat Lebanese food (falafel, hummus, baba ghanouj, ...) at a small family-run restaurant on Ninth Street near Duke University in Durham. On Saturday, we ended up in Whole Foods in Raleigh after a fun hike; my wife was hungry so we ate there (a variety of dishes from the hot and cold salad bar, and slices of cheeseless vegan pizza) before doing some food shopping, then enjoyed walking around downtown Raleigh for a while.
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