
Anyway, I made my fajitas tonight. I've never had meat fajitas, so don't know how alike my dish is, but in my cooking class, my students make fajitas and they say that there is a good resemblance. It's a rather simple preparation - in a little bit of olive oil, I sauteed over medium-high heat big chunks of half-moon shaped onion. As the onion became clear, I added thin but long pieces of seitan (wheat gluten). When the seitan was nicely browned, maybe 7 minutes later, I added thick slices of bell pepper and cooked just another minute or two. I served this in a red chili tortilla (at least to me, obviating the need for salsa) with locally grown baby lettuce leaves. I finished up one piece of olive bread and roasted two ears of corn, stripping the kernels and mixing with fresh squeezed lime and vegan margarine as well as salt.
It all looks fantastic... I especially love your simple but tasty-sounding corn prep. Nice idea. I've got seitan fajitas on the menu for this week too... maybe I'll look for some corn at the farmer's market.
:) Amey
Thanks. I love both fajitas this way and the corn. I avoid corn on the cob as the kernels get stuck in my teeth. But stripped and seasoned after being flame roasted - easy and so tasty!
Rice, a monocot, is normally grown as an annual plant brown rice in Pakistan, although in tropical areas it can survive as a perennial and can produce a ratoon crop for up to 30 years.
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