Sauteed Vegetables with Tempeh

I returned from Italy late on Tuesday. I took advantage of my parents' living nearby to eat dinner at their home on Wednesday - as well as on Thursday, the night that I teach. I was looking forward to my first cooking on Friday, but we were pleasantly surprised to have a cousin from Alabama stop by unexpectedly on business. My parents suggested going out to eat South Indian food, which we did. Yesterday was Diwali, the festival of lights, and my Mom had a celebration and home cooking at her home (I contributed a side course Brussels sprouts dish).
I was lucky enough to have a Servas traveler visiting me from last night through tomorrow morning, and prepared dinner for her tonight. I sauteed a variety of vegetables, including potato, onion, shallot, broccoli, bell pepper (two kinds), and eggplant, along with tempeh. I served it with Lundberg Farms Black Japonica rice (short-grained black and medium-grained mahogany rices) and soy sauce. I purchased some great potato - onion - rosemary bread, and included a small piece, lightly toasted. I think that my new friend enjoyed the meal! It's great to be back in my kitchen!
Oh, by the way, my wife went on to India from Italy and won't be back till the 31st. So I feel free to duplicate some meals I've made in the past till she returns, and see about extending my streak of unique dinners I've made for her since I met her in June 2004.
Just before the trip, I made a simple meal on Friday October 6th. On the 7th, we had a potluck dinner - we left for the airport around noon on Sunday, and there was a lot left to do for the trip, so I only brought some prepared food (hummus and bread) for the potluck.
How lucky to be in Italy! I am trying not to be too envious. :-)
Servas sounds like a great way to meet other people and form friendships. I hope your visitor enjoys your wonderful cooking.
Thanks for your comment, susanv - sorry that I just saw it in June 2007! Yes, check out my Servas link near the top of my home page, - it's a great organization!
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