Creamy Broccoli Soup with Corn and Zucchini, Potato-Onion Bread, Roasted Chestnuts

I took a dozen or so chestnuts, cut "X"s into them, and popped them in the toaster oven for about a half hour at 425°F. While they were cooking, I chopped two small zucchinis as well as two small parsnips each into quarter-inch pieces, and a large shallot into half-moon slices. I had some corn handy, and used kernels from one cob.
I bought a carton of Imagine brand creamy broccoli soup and used it as a base for a hearty soup. In a soup pan, I added maybe a tablespoonful of extra virgin olive oil and started sauteeing the shallot over medium heat. As the shallot started clearing, after just a minute or minute and a half, I added the zucchini and cooked for another minute, then added the parsnip.
A minute later, I added the soup, brought to a boil, then added the corn and a few rosemary needles and cooked, simmering, at reduced heat until the chestnuts were ready. I added a little salt and freshly ground black pepper, and served with some delicious fresh potato-onion bread. Happy Halloween!
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