Tonight for dinner, I made a saute of primarily Brussels Sprouts, patty pan squash, and tempeh. I cut about a third of a sleeve of tempeh into small rectangles, perhaps 1/4" x 1/4" x 1/2", and started sauteeing it over medium heat. Perhaps three minutes or so later, I added about a dozen halved Brussels Sprouts and a white patty pan squash, cut into large rectangles (maybe 1/2" x 1/2" x 3/4"), as well as half of an onion cut into medium chunks. About five minutes later when everything seemed reasonably cooked, I added a baby bok choy that I had sliced across into quarters or fifths.
I mixed in a little salt, dried tarragon, and freshly groud black pepper. It came out great! I also served heirloom tomato over spinach and a pretzel-like bread available at Weaver Street Market Coop.
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