Baby Artichokes on Rice Noodles, Corn-off-the-Cob, Leftover Greek Dishes

I started [a cup of] ... vegetable broth going (it's easy to make broth, but I usually start with a Rapunzel brand organic bouillon cube) and added [about half of an onion, diced into 1/4" or slightly larger cubes] ... and fresh herbs [rosemary - maybe 2 tablespoons of needles] from my garden. I prepared the baby artichokes as I did last time, by pulling off the outer leaves till I got to tighter and lighter colored ones, then I cut the top third or so off as well as the bottom, and quartered the heart. I put the quarters immediately into a bowl with a little lime juice to slow down browning [this time I just dabbed lime juice on the cut edges]. When the quarters were all ready, I put them into the simmering broth, cut side down (though I later thought maybe the thicker side needing more cooking may better be cooked face down - maybe I'll try that next time) [it wasn't an issue this time, as the quarters were mostly immersed in the liquid]. There was enough broth in my pan to not quite cover the hearts. I reduced the heat and simmered, covered, for about 20 minutes till the hearts were tender.
I mixed in a little salt and served the artichokes over rice noodles that I had quickly cooked in boiling water. I sprinkled a little paprika on top and served the broth to my wife, who enjoys drinking these nutritious liquids.
I had leftover Greek salad, hummus, and baba ganouj from last Thursday's class, and served that, along with a local company's (The Accidental Baker) roasted garlic flatbread. I also roasted three ears of corn over my gas range's flame, stripped the kernels, and served them, mixed with fresh lime juice, Earth Balance margarine, and salt (a standard of ours).
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