Red Chili Tamale (prepared), Potatoes with Peppers
There is a new company, 3 Hot Tamales, run by two vegetarian sisters and their Mom, that sells tamales packaged in threes and frozen. I had a box of their Burger Style Red Chili tamales, and prepared them just by steaming them in my vegetable steamer for about 22-25 minutes. (Only one is shown on the plate, but we split the third tamale and finished that up, too!) Of course, tamales are eaten after removing the corn husk; it was quite tasty! I look forward to trying their other vegan flavor, Black Bean and Chipotle Pepper (I often avoid beans as they sometimes upset my stomach, but I'll take a chance!).
I also sauteed a russet potato, cut into large 3/4" or so chunks. After giving it 10 minutes or so to start to brown, I added half a red onion, diced into maybe 1/4" pieces. I was waiting for my wife with bell peppers, and finally a few minutes later ended up adding about 1/4 of a jalapeno pepper, cut into thin slices. She then made it home, and I quickly added about 1/5 of a red bell pepper, cut into small, thick slices, and just let it cook for three final minutes or so. Easter dinner was good!
Yesterday, we had a very nice vegetarian society potluck dinner at the home of a member who offers vegan cooking classes in her home. She always makes great desserts for her potlucks! Everything was vegan and everything was good - though there was perhaps not enough main courses and a lot of very good desserts (perhaps 4 cakes, some cupcakes, and a pie or two, as I recall). I made a tasty dish by sauteeing seitan, Brussels sprouts, and onion, adding rosemary for the last few minutes, then mixing it in with mixed brown and wild rice.
We ended up going out to eat on Friday. When I woke up, I heard that former President Clinton would be speaking in our area; my wife and I went - check out the pictures that I took. By the time we left the venue, it was only an hour or so before the weekly film that that state art museum shows, so we stopped at Udupi South Indian vegetarian restaurant and had a quick meal of dosas (filled crepes) and pakoras.
Thanks for the comments on my blog! Thanks for the offers of help. As much as I'd like a veg. wedding, my fiance and most of our family and friends are non veg. So it'll be vegetarian friendly but not vegetarian. And we've got a photographer!
The tamales look yummy!
Thanks for your note, Marisa! Too bad you can't convince the family that good vegan food leaves everybody wanting more! Good luck with your wedding planning and don't hesitate to ask for any help or suggestions. The tamales were very good, and I wished for more! --Dilip
That looks pretty great for a thrown-together meal! Thanks for the tamales tip.
Thanks to my friends at Wheeler's Frozen Dessert for your post and for the great work you are doing in making tasty vegan treats! I can't wait to try some of your creations. Please let me know if I can help. --Dilip
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