Tempeh Cubes with Baby Bok Choy and Red Mustard Greens, Leftover Spaghetti Squash with Vegan Sausage and Pesto

I cut leaves of a baby bok choy into halves and hand stripped leaves from the stems of three or four leaves of red mustard greens. I coarsely hand cut the mustard greens into roughly 2-inch squares. As the tempeh got medium brown, I added the baby bok choy and mustard. I let the greens cook down for about two minutes, then added a tablespoon or so of soy sauce and half a teaspoon or so of dried tarragon. It was good and was a filling dinner, combined with Saturday's leftover Spaghetti Squash with Vegan Sausage and Pesto.
Thanks for the good idea of using baby bok choy with tempeh! I sauteed in a bit of sesame oil with tamari sauce, leeks and sesame seeds. It was delicious!
Thanks, Marisa, for your kind comment. Your version sounds quite good! --Dilip
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