Roasted Vegetables over Red Rice, Red String Beans with Pesto Sauce

I cut eggplant and sweet potato into thin slices, less than 1/2". I also cut 1/2" rounds from about a third of an onion. I put the vegetables on a cookie sheet that I had first sprayed with a little bit of olive oil, then I sprayed a bit on top of the vegetables. I roasted the vegetables, flipping them once about halfway through, in my preheated 375°F oven for about 35-40 minutes. I served the vegetables with red rice (ratio of 1:3 water; I included a vegan bouillon cube and a little salt).
I also made a nice bean dish. I had some of the red/purple string beans left from my wife's farmer's market purchase. I started a little onion sauteeing and added the beans, cut into 1" pieces. I let it cook for about 5 minutes, then removed the beans to a bowl. I added a little salt and freshly ground black pepper, as well as a teaspoon and a half or so of pesto sauce. We both enjoyed the meal!
Yesterday, after my Cary, NC photography class, several students, a student's spouse, several friends, my wife, and I went out to eat at Udupi South Indian restaurant, very close to where I teach. I had their spring masala dosa; for some reason, my wife and I have found that their food isn't up to par the past few visits we've had there.
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