Spicy Ginger Rice Fettucini with Asparagus, Seared Portabello and Seitan

She, alas, bought a rice fettucine. It seems like a fine product (Deboles brand rice fettucine) and I think I've used it before, but I think it would be more suited to being prepared like pasta. It ended up being a bit glutinous. Also, the sauce that she purchased was a sweet ginger chili dipping and cooking sauce - it is sweet and (a bit too) spicy hot; I was looking for a more pure ginger sauce.
Anyway, I started in my cast iron pan grilling asparagus. I cut the spears in uneven halves, with the tops being a little bigger. That only took a few minutes on medium heat (I don't think I ever cook in that pan any hotter than medium heat). I removed the asparagus and started searing portabello mushroom caps as well as thin slices of seitan; that took about 5 minutes or so.
In the meantime, the rice fettucine was boiling for 8-12 minutes (I found it to be just done in about 10 minutes). When it was done, I drained it and washed it with cold water. I mixed the asparagus and a little of the sauce in, as well as some salt and sesame seeds, and served it.
I served the mushroom, ridge side up (bottoms up), with the seitan and a teaspoon or so of Baja Lime marinade on top, along with a rosemary garnish. Salad included Mexican pear/teardrop tomatoes and heirloom tomatoes as well.
Dinner was pretty good. Neither of us disliked the fettucini, but did find it a bit too fiery and not very tasty.
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