Vegan Sausage over Pasta, Grilled Brussels Sprouts

Like I did two Wednesdays ago, I grilled the sausage and several cloves of garlic. I also grilled lilac bell pepper (it paled in cooking). I served the pasta, topped it with lemon olive oil, then added the bell pepper, sausage, and Eat in the Raw's Parma! vegan "Parmesan cheese". I also grilled some Brussels Sprouts, and served it with a little bit of the lemon olive oil, fresh ground black pepper, and Kermit's Fresh Lime and Datil Pepper.
I was looking forward to making something like fajitas tomorrow, which I made long back for my wife (she loved them) and can now "repeat" :-) as she's away, for a good friend of mine who is visiting enroute back home on vacation. But my friend used to live here and I think enjoys my cooking, but also likes the South Indian restaurants we have. She said that she would enjoy the brunch I'm making tomorrow but would like to visit one of the restaurants as she misses them.
Yesterday I didn't make dinner as I was babysitting. There, I had grilled portabella cap, raw vegetables, and baba ganouj and hummus. By the way, Steffie of Summerloco and her Mother visited from several hours away; they knew of my blog and contacted me to see if we could meet. We would have but timing just didn't work out.
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