Friday, March 30, 2007

Conchiglie Pasta with Tomato-Eggplant Sauce, Lemon Green Beans

The pasta sauce that I described last night cooked from about 8a till 7p, or 11 hours. It smelled quite good, though it wasn't as fragrant as other sauces I've made in the slow cooker. It came out tasting very good, but I wish it were more chunky and not so runny; I chalk that up to using the electric chopper. Our friend doesn't like olives, but the sauce could have used a half dozen or more chopped olives. I served it over organic conchiglie seashell-shaped pasta, and then sprinkled on some Eat in the Raw's Parma! vegan "Parmesan cheese".

But no complaints - all three of us enjoyed the meal. I also made some green beans in the simple but so-tasty style that we were introduced to in the Tuscan countryside this past October, just by briefly sauteeing them (after cutting maybe a quarter inch off of both ends) in olive oil then squeezing some fresh lemon atop them and sprinkling with salt and freshly ground peppercorn.

By the way, I was delighted to be introduced to a blog by two vegetarians who found me in the midst of an interesting discussion about Cooking and Chromosomes where the articulate authors, Jai and Bee, were discussing stereotypical gender roles in the kitchen. Just for the record, I do almost all of the cooking for my wife and me (my wife doesn't enjoy cooking but eats out, at my parents', or makes a meal when I am out, such as when I'm teaching), and I also do the cleanup and most of the shopping. But I know I'm not "typical"!


At Fri Mar 30, 09:43:00 AM EDT, Blogger FH said...

Yes,you are not "typical"!;p

Well,a guy from my neck of the woods!Pasta looks great.Came here thru' Bee's list.Good to meet you Dilip:)

At Fri Mar 30, 10:42:00 AM EDT, Blogger TNL said...

The Conchiglie pasta looks great....I make a similar dish using the jumbo ones, stuffed with seasoned spinach and corn..and is always a hit. I do make my own sauce too, I cannot stand the store bought ones. I'm also adding you to my blogroll. :)
Cheers, trupti

At Fri Mar 30, 11:18:00 AM EDT, Blogger bee said...

are there health benefits to slow cooking?

At Fri Mar 30, 01:49:00 PM EDT, Blogger TNL said...

It's official- I love both your blog and your website, your approach to healthy eating, your passion for photography,biking etc etc is very refreshing. I read your review on "the Namesake", thank you for that. Will you be reviewing "Provoked"?

I had some free time today, and spent most of my time going through all your recipes...what a lovely collection.

I'm in Newfoundland, but I visit Raleigh and Rocky Mount often...

Take care, will be back...

At Fri Mar 30, 02:30:00 PM EDT, Blogger Dilip said...

Hi, asha! Thanks for your comment. If you're in the area, let's meet up sometime - join us at a vegetarian society event, perhaps ( . The pasta was very good (and so were the beans!), thanks to the slow cooker.

trupti, thanks for your comment. Your idea of integrating corn and spinach sounds good.

bee, thanks as well to you for your comment. Regarding health benefits, the slow cooker is a winner when it comes to the ability to integrate grains like pearled barley that otherwise we might not eat - they soften nicely and cook well in a slow cooker. Ditto for breaking down protein in some beans to make them more digestable. Perhaps the best "health benefit" is the ability to put all sorts of yummy and healthy ingredients in a slow cooker in the morning and then coming home to a fragrant home with a nutritious main course ready! But, no, I don't otherwise know that slow cooking is inherently more healthy.

At Sun Apr 01, 01:43:00 AM EDT, Blogger Dilip said...

Thanks for your kind comment, trupti! Did you go through the entire year's worth of the blog?! Yikes! I hope that you enjoyed that. You're very generous with your compliments - I hope that we'll be able to get together when you're here. How do you like being in Newfoundland? It's very sparsely populated and must feel very different from the rest of Canada and the U.S. Best wishes! --Dilip


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