Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Vegan Celebration Roast with Mashed Potatoes and Purple Cauliflower

My wife had to travel an hour and a half or so away for work today and met a friend for dinner. So I was on my own. We reached over 400 registrants, our limit, for our Thanksgiving so I had some scrambling to do and met with the restaurant, hoping to have evening seatings - but the chef needs more time to plan for evening details, so while we'll probably offer day and evening seating next year, we won't this year. We worked out another seating that will allow a total of about 515 to attend.

Anyway, it ended up being fairly late by the time I worked out the new details for our webmaster and the website, returned calls from folks wanting to get in to the event, etc., so a quick dinner was called for. I had a little Field Roast "Grain Meat" Company's handmade vegan stuffed Celebration Roast left, and served it, heated, with mashed potatoes. I also had some purple cauliflower that I had purchased, and served it with heirloom tomato slices.

Yesterday, I gave a PCRM talk about heart health for a local Kiwanis service club; it went well (you can hear it on a podcast)! My wife and I had some errands and ended up shopping at Whole Foods. I had planned on cooking, but it was becoming late, so we enjoyed eating from the salad bar at the store.


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