Thursday, November 08, 2007

Celebration Roast with Salsa and Horseradish, Caribbean Sweet Potato Salad

I am working on this year's Thanksgiving raffle and contacted the company that makes the vegan Field Roast handmade stuffed (with apples, squash, and mushrooms) Celebration Roast to see if we can promote their products. They have some new products that they want me to try and are sending me some for my own use - including a new kind of roast that has cranberries within it!

I thought that I better use up the one roast that I had, so served it simply by heating (for maybe 10-15 minutes in a toaster oven at 350°F) and slicing it and topping it with salsa and having horseradish, which added a unique "pizazz", on the side. I had purchased a Caribbean sweet potato salad and served it too, as well as a bagel and small salad.


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