Friday, July 03, 2015

Baked Tempeh over Maifun Noodles (No Added Fat)

I made a simple dinner. I cut a full 8 ounce package of tempeh into thin sheets, maybe 1/4" x 1" x 1 1/2" and cut up about a quarter cup of onion into approximately 1/4" x 1" strips and sauteed in a cast iron pan for about 6 or 7 minutes with no oil till the tempeh showed light browning. I then put the onion and tempeh into a shallow plate, sprinkled 2 or 3 T of coconut aminos (or soy sauce) on top, and baked in a toaster oven at 350 degF for about 15m. I also prepared some maifun brown rice noodles by boiling just for a minute or two. I served the baked tempeh atop the noodles for a simple but filling meal.

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