Brussels Sprouts with Tempeh, Baked Potato with Roasted Vidalia Onion, Corn-off-the-Cob (No Added Fat)
- 12 large Brussels sprouts, cut into thirds lengthwise
- 1 baby leek, darkest green portions and very bottom removed, then cut into 3/8" slices
- 1/4 cup plus 2T onion cut into 3/8" cubes
- Jalapeno or other hot pepper to taste - I used about a teaspoon of 1/4" sliced jalapeno
- 3T tomato paste
- 1/2 cup water
- 1 vegan bouillon cube
- 1T chopped (to 3/8" size or so) ginger
- (optional) 2T chopped (to 1/4" or so cubes) fennel root
- (optional) 2T chopped (to about 1/2" pieces) cilantro
- 1/2 t salt (or to taste) and 1/4t dried oregano
- Saute leek and sprouts in a sauté pan with no added oil or other liquids for about 5m till sprouts start showing some brownness
- Add the 1/4 cup of onion and jalapeno, and sauté for another 2m
- There will likely be a little bit of sticking; add the tomato paste and stir, cleaning the pan
- After a half minute or so once the pan has been cleaned, add the water and bouillon cube and increase heat to bring to a boil
- Reduce heat to simmer and add ginger and fennel
- Cook for about 4m more till the Brussels sprouts are soft
- Add the remaining 2T onion and the cilantro, stir, and turn the heat off
- Mix in the salt and oregano, and serve
Dinner was good! The Brussels sprouts came out well and I think were reasonably seasoned. The potato was probably the softest potato I've had; it was great for my Dad and fine for my wife and me, though I'd prefer a minute or two shorter cook time if not cooking for my Dad. The onions indeed came out soft and mild, like roasted onions. I simply chopped them up and served them on the potato. How could the corn not be good?!
Ideas for the future
I am so happy that I tried this onion experiment. I'd like to use onion in this way in the future, and perhaps combine it with the "nacho cheese" sauce that I described on April 22.
Labels: Brussels sprout, Instant Pot, No Added Fat
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