Broccoli di Cicco with Purple Asparagus, Yellow Baby Carrots, and Mashed Potatoes

I also had baby yellow carrots, mashed potatoes, and purple asparagus. To keep the lovely purple color, I parboiled the spears of asparagus by putting them into boiling water for barely a minute, then plunging the spears into cold water (I didn't have ice, so cold tap water had to do). It was a good dinner!
This morning, I had to wake up very early as I was a guest on a television station. A local group, Humane Carolina, had inspired them to air a story on the connection between diet and environment, and asked if I'd be the spokesperson. The group arranged food to bring to let station staff try, including the woman who tried the food during her interview with me. I haven't seen the footage, but think it went okay, though it was so short, I didn't get a chance to mention our upcoming Thanksgiving.
Delicious vegan fare.
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