Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Onion Rings are Back!" Dinner with Roasted Corn Soup

The weather was great today - actually a bit hot, even hitting 90°F! - and we spent much of it outdoors. I took our baby to Duke Gardens mid-day for a big plant sale (I purchased a new variety of Spanish Lavender that blooms pale yellow, 'Lemon Leigh') , came home just a few hours, then we returned with my wife in the late afternoon to hangout with folks at a vegetarian families gathering. It was about 9p by the time we returned, including a stop at Whole Foods Market, so I wanted to prepare something quickly.

I was excited, after perhaps a year's absence, to find at Whole Foods the one type of prepared onion ring that appears vegan to me, Ian's brand Onion Rings and Strings. I wish I could have found them during the recent visit of my father-in-law - he requested onion rings. So how could I not include them in tonight's dinner!? We also picked up the weekly soup that we purchase from a woman named Melissa; this week, she had Roasted Corn Soup with Fresh Chives and Pasta e Fagioli, both, as usual, vegan. I simply heated onion rings and the corn soup, prepared a few raw vegetables, and served a slice of toast with Earth Balance flaxseed-enriched peanut butter.


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